Aron Royce

The Ruby of Thavnair


Name: Aron Royce
Age: 74 (appears to be in mid twenties)
Race: Rava Viera
Gender: Male (transgender male, he/him)
Relationship Status: Mourning
Height: 6'1"
Profession: Dancer, mercenary
Hobbies: Hunting, bartending

Aron stands taller than the average Viera man, reaching just an ilm over six fulms tall. He boasts a toned, athletic build with tanned skin marred by few scars, save for two neat scars underneath his pecs.He's a performer at heart, a man used to putting on a smile and a show for the entertainment of others. His hygeine is near-impeccable with rarely a hair out of place, and he exudes a subtle scent of sandalwood perfume. When he performs, he's adorned in light, flowing garments adorned with gold and gems, but even offstage he has a keen sense for stylish clothes in reds, golds, browns, and blacks.Notable mannerisms: He often picks at a tightly-braided band on his wrist. Characters knowledgeable of Hannish culture may recognize it as a traditional woven bracelet and protection talisman, used as a gift between lovers.



Outgoing - Years as a performer have eroded any fear of people Aron ever had. He has no issue approaching others, putting on a show when ne needs to be the center of attention. Because of this, he's a near-ideal distraction.

Affable - He's a master at polite and friendly words. It's questionable whether or not he actually means them, but for the most part, he's easy to get along with and can provide a good listening ear.

Confident - Bold, poised, and beautiful: during Aron's dancer training, he learned to be all of these. If he has doubts in his own abilities, he isn't one to easily express them, especially when he feels the need to be a reassuring and stable figure to someone in need.

Observant - Plenty of time spent around people developed a keen sense for subtle social cues in Aron. He's good at reading body language in particular, and his ears afford him hearing keen enough to catch sounds that most other races would miss.


Vain - Aron's appearance is extremely important in his line of work. He can spend anywhere from minutes to hours on his appearance on any given day, leaning towards the latter when he wants to make a good impression (which is most of the time). Any small mistake will leave him distraught.

Commitment Issues - He'll have a hard time settling down anywhere, or with anyone. He's very used to traveling from job to job, and even his most favored patrons have failed to hire him on retainer. He'll find whatever excuses he can to turn down extended commitments, or at least shift them to be able to end on his own terms.

Secretive - He may be one to try to coax secrets from others, but he keeps his own secrets under lock and key. He isn't afraid to show a little vulnerability when he can benefit from it, but it'll take time and patience for him to truly open up to another.

Overworked - Aron has a tendency to lose himself in his work and forget about his own needs, often resulting in him over-exerting himself. In the best case, he just needs a short rest. In the worst case, he injures himself and needs a few days to weeks of rest to fully recover.

OOC Info


Thanks for reading! I'm a bi trans dude that enjoys writing and RPing in FFXIV, and various other fandoms, especially Bioware games and Cyberpunk. My posts are typically one to two paragraphs long, but I can mirror who I'm RPing with to an extent! I'm usually available in the afternoons and evenings (EST) and can go earlier/later on weekends. I raid twice a week with my static, but I'm glad to work towards finding a time that works for both of us.note: I also roleplay in other fandoms, such as Mass effect and dragon age, and work a full-time job. thus, i'm not always able to dedicate my full time/attention to ffxiv roleplay. i always do my best to communicate when there'll be a delay. please understand and bear with me! if you expect rapid-fire replies on discord or google docs RP, we may not be the best fit.Looking For:

  • Adventure, drama, action!

  • Slice of life (in moderation)

  • Character development and long-term plots

  • Organic character relationships (whether they be friends, lovers, enemies, etc.)

  • Pre-established relationships - let me know on discord and we can talk! I value them as opportunities to drive quality RP between our characters, when done right.

  • Grounded stories


  • OOC romantic relationships / flirting

  • Any roleplayers under 18. this is for my personal comfort!

  • Onscreen non-con and/or gore described in excessive detail

  • Permanent death/maiming of my characters (unless I give explicit OOC permission)

  • ERP for the sake of ERP (I don't want to get off or help someone else get off. I just want to tell a good story, and ERP can aid in that when it has a purpose! Aron's past as an escort does not mean that he will be willing to sleep with characters without a prior relationship.)

Hooks / Rumors

Note: This list of hooks is not exhaustive. I typically prefer to brainstorm up a bespoke arrangement for everyone I roleplay with, so if you have an idea for a hook that isn't on this list, I'd love to hear it!


  • Tural: Aron is amongst a group of Thavnairian dignitaries and artists elected to foster cultural exchange between Thavnair and Tuliyollal. Perhaps you cross paths with him in the continent? He could approach any Turali, or you could see one of his performances in Tuliyollal!

  • Near East: Those who spend time in Thavnair, particularly Radz-at-han, may encounter Aron. He has a particular love for Mehryde's Meyhane, the bazaars, and the lush gardens outside Meghaduta. Maybe you can meet him there?

  • Distraction: If you have an adversary weak for a pretty face and a dance routine, you could hire Aron to keep them occupied. Whatever you do behind the scenes, he won't ask.

  • Entertainment: Need a Thavnairian dancer to liven up a gathering? Have too much gil and need a way to spend it? Aron would be glad to lend his talents.

  • Dance Partners: Other Thavnairian dancers may know Aron. Perhaps they were acquaintances, friends, rivals, or even enemies? He's also willing to take on a protegé with enough talent.

  • Depths of Despair: While the Final Days threatened to overtake Thavnair, Aron was one of many dancers who worked tirelessly, using his skill with chakrams to slay the foul beasts that plagued the country. Perhaps you were one of those civilians, or another dancer that worked alongside him?



  • "That man's earned quite the fortune for himself, hasn't he? The rich would do anything to be seen with a Viera this far from the woods, especially a man. I bet having him perform would cost a year's worth of my pay!" -Matanga Shopper

  • "The red-eyed Viera? Back when I was younger, he'd always come to the High Crucible for some kind of treatment. All I know is that it was something experimental. Maybe it's why he's looking so spry at over fifty summers!" -Retired Alchemist

  • "That man? He asked me for my spiciest tacos. They're usually too much for my customers from across the salt, but he devoured them like they were nothing! Wherever he's from, they handle spice like none other." -Aunt Tii (Aunt Tii's Tacos, Tuliyollal)


  • "He first came to the city when I was a little girl. He was with a very tall man wielding a gunblade- Garlean, I think? I don't remember as well as I used to, but I think the man was his father. I wonder what happened to him..." -Thavnairian Elder

  • "Don't tell anyone I said this, but the dancers told me that Aron had a very powerful client- one that invited him to perform every week. Ever since the man died, Aron's been performing here much less. It's a shame, really. I wouldn't be surprised if they were close." -Meyhane Musician


1. Misfit

(CW: Gender dysphoria)Aron's forest name, which village he was born to in the Golmore, his biological family— in the greater world, these things are a mystery to all but himself. He was a child eager to serve his tribe and the wood, but everything changed when his body began to reach maturity. Only then did he learn that he was female.But he knew that he was a man. He felt it every time his changing body inspired shame and disgust, and every time he looked to the rare Wood Warder with unending envy. He wanted to find a way to stop these changes, but the his village's greatest minds held none, even as they accepted his identity. The turmoil in his mind was too much to bear. With no solution at hand, he decided to leave the forest in search of one.

2. Mentorship

All went well, at first. As his mother taught him to, he hunted and preserved meat to keep him sated as he left the outer reaches of the Golmore. But the farther he ventured from the wood, the more he struggled to hunt in unfamiliar territory. In a matter of weeks, he began to starve in the deserts outside Dalmasca. He was unprepared, young, reckless— and he was convinced that he was going to die alone.Only then did a traveling Garlean named Royce find him. Royce took the young Viera under his wing, treating him as his own son as he trained Aron to fight and better fend for himself in the outer world. For years, they traveled around Othard and the Near East as mercenaries.During these travels, Aron chose his name: Aron from one of his brothers, and Royce after the man who raised him. With his forest name discarded, the only remaining fragments of his previous life were his first name and the patterns of black paint he adorned his cheek and nose with.

3. Metamorphosis

It wasn't until years later, when Aron and his adoptive father parted ways in Thavnair, that Aron found a solution to his gender dysphoria in the form of advanced Thavnairian alchemy. He agreed to be an ambitious alchemist's test subject, throwing himself at the mercy of experimental hormone replacement treatments.He experienced a few complications, but for the most part, his treatments went well. After years of hormone treatment and an expensive surgery to remove his breasts, Aron's outer appearance matched his inner self, allowing him to shift his focus to building a life for himself in Radz-at-han.

4. Momentum

Ever since he first arrived in Radz-at-han, he had been enchanted by the dancers, envying their deadly grace. He spent more years training under some of the city's best dancers, learning the art of the Kriegstanz for himself. Those years were long and grueling, but by the end, he was able to emulate that same deadly grace that had enraptured him so.He worked himself to the bone, practicing, performing, and socializing until his muscles ached and his throat went hoarse. In a city full of dancers like him, however, he struggled to make ends' meet. Just as he considered returning to the life of a mercenary, Aron managed to land a performance on a busy night in Meryde's Mehrane.The novelty of a rare Viera man, as well as his captivating movements, landed him many more performances in the city. This surge of popularity gave him the exposure he needed to showcase his skills and cement himself as a prominent figure in Thavnairian dance.Aron did whatever he could to advance his career, including selling his own body for exorbitant prices. He kept this up for decades, funding a lavish lifestyle far removed from his origins in the Golmore.Years later, he was highly successful and well-respected amongst Thavnair's dancers, having even performed for one of the satrap's feasts. But after Thavnair was freed from a calamity's grasp, he started to travel, taking less performance jobs to allow him time for travels to Eorzea, Othard, and Tural.What could drive such an accomplished performer to stray away from a life of luxury?